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List of all "Toastmaster of the Day" Awardees

Toastmaster of the Day

Pamela McCown

Pam McCown came to District 16 in 2010/2011 on a Thursday evening during Bob Campbell's successful run to be a Distinguished District. I was Division T Governor. Pam was the current 2009-2011 International Director. LGM Edward Engelke had scheduled visits for her around the state's two largest metropolitan areas. Bob drove us around in a rented(?) van.

We drove up to Bartlesville for an appreciation visit, ate lunch in a rustic restaurant setting then drove down to Tulsa and visited Green Country Neighbor Toastmasters. Pam was in her patented style of mentoring every chance she had. As we were leaving the room where we had sat down with the Green Country members Pam stopped and caught my attention. She nodded back toward the open door to the members inside. "Those are the people you need to know. They are your future area governors, contest judges, TLI Trainers, perhaps a conference chair."

It may have been because I was the new kid on the block. It could have been because Bob was driving. It could have been that Edward Engelke and Janice sat together. Regardless, Pam and I sat across from each other and talked.

I don't remember specifically what we talked about. I tend to ramble at times, whereas Pam is on a mission. On the other hand, around people whose opinions I respect, I ask questions. Pam was in Oklahoma to advise and respond to questions. At the same time she would throw in a dash of advice to tailor each question's response to what she thought best for me as an aspiring leader. She wanted me to understand how what she was saying fit into the overall scheme of Toastmasters in District 16 and around the world.

Later we were seated around a large round table in OKC. We had sort of a council meeting where Pam shared some personal advice about the way the district was being run. She and Bob talked frankly about some matters. When she felt it necessary that was her style of leadership, as well. It didn't matter if you agreed with her or not. She would hook horns with you and say what was on her mind.

I added reams of information to my knowledge base about Toastmasters inside and outside the club those two days Pam McCown visited District 16. As the current District 16 Governor (with a better than average chance to preside over a distinguished district) I'm confident my interpretation of her ideas has shaped my view of what it takes to be a successful leader.

Pamela Priddy McCown is my June 21, 2014 'Toastmaster of the Day'.

Note: Toastmaster of the Day is a recognition from the 2013-2014 District Governor, Ben Cox, DTM.