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List of all "Toastmaster of the Day" Awardees

Toastmaster of the Day

Carma Jones, KT Laughlin, Alecia Mullen, Tara Warren

A few months ago there were some discussions around the district about the need for a sign language Interpreter to assist Diana Higgins with one or more hearing impaired members of the Speaking Up club. One member (in particular) is Betty Fulk.

The plea went out, and now there are seven people who can interpret to some degree in that club. Three of the seven are members, four are not. Diana is a professional. The others have varied degrees of proficiency.

On my way back from Oklahoma City on Thursday I stopped by the Western Sizzlin Steakhouse and attended the meeting. All the interpreters were there except Diana. The four that are not Toastmasters got a workout. They not only benefited from the Toastmasters experience, but were learning the sign language technique from each other.

The point of my article is multifold. Although the Toastmasters experience is the primary focus of each meeting, there are many reasons why an individual might be drawn to a meeting and benefit. Those four women (all dressed in black) were gaining the experience of two worlds: the sign language technique to help others, and the opportunity to better represent themselves with the Toastmasters program.

The four are (from left to right) Carma Jones, KT Laughlin, Alecia Mullen, and Tara Warren. Speaking with the group after the meeting, Carma appears to be the more experienced of the four, but all of them are benefiting.

These four public servants in the making (and future Toastmasters perhaps) will share my June 15, 2014 'Toastmaster of the Day'.

Note: Toastmaster of the Day is a recognition from the 2013-2014 District Governor, Ben Cox, DTM.