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List of all "Toastmaster of the Day" Awardees

Toastmaster of the Day

Susan Phillips

Although I made the Electrical Engineering National Honor Society in college, I struggled because I wasn't a good listener. Taking good notes wasn't my forte. I've never been diagnosed, but I've come to believe I had or have an attention deficit disorder.

If you've been in Toastmasters any time at all, you would have come to the conclusion that to evaluate a person's speech you must be a good listener. Otherwise, you will not be able to share the good, the not so good, and the good that the speaker needs in order to improve his/her speaking skills. In Toastmasters we call it the Oreo Method of evaluation. Simply stated; (1) I loved your speech. (2) Here are a few things you can do to make it even better. (3) Overall, very good speech! You want that person to leave the meeting thinking she/he has done something right but also needs to improve.

Two or three years ago I attended a TLI at the Church of the Magdalene near 22nd Street and Harvard in Tulsa. I chose to sit with those being trained to be a better Evaluator. Susan Phillips was the trainer. Wow! She nailed it. If my Navy instructor caught me nodding off he would throw a piece of chalk against the blackboard on the back wall. That would wake you up. On the other hand, Susan made it interesting with humorous stories and examples that not only kept our attention but made us listen. Unlike my Navy instructor, she didn't need to cause a big scene by embarrassing anyone.

Listen Up Toastmasters! When you attend the Spring Conference next month on May 2-3, you are in for a treat! Susan Phillips is scheduled to be the Toastmaster at the Hall of Fame Banquet! If you have a funny bone in your body - it will be tickled!

Susan Phillips is my March 25, 2014 'Toastmaster of the Day'.

Note: Toastmaster of the Day is a recognition from the 2013-2014 District Governor, Ben Cox, DTM.