EHEJSE D16 Home Page Calendar Club List

Toastmaster of the Day
Ann Sherrod
Ben Cox, DTM
District Governor

Jun 17, 2014

Ann Sherrod joined Toastmasters on November 1, 1998. She is a member of THE OKC SPEAKERS and OKC PROS. Her most recent club officer role was 2012-2013 THE OKC SPEAKERS SAA.

During Charlotte Howard's term as District Governor Ann was an Area Governor. LGET Jodi Santangelo and LGM Don Hunt rounded out the Top 3.

Ann has participated on many levels in Toastmasters. In her roughly 25 years she had done just about everything. Even now, she might be a speech contestant or a speech contest chair.

One of the photos I located of her was taken following a speech contest. She is holding a 2nd Place silver trophy and wearing a Navy blue polo shirt, a sailor's hat and a miniature ship's anchor dangling from a chain encircling her neck. I like that we may have something in common, even if it's a tiny amount. I spent four years in the US Navy.

Ann Sherrod is my June 17, 2014 'Toastmaster of the Day'.

Document Viewed: June 15, 2024
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